Thursday, June 24, 2010

James 4:11-17

In my Sunday school class we have been going through James. I never really studied this book before but the more we go into it the more I like about it. On Sunday, Mr. F started talking about being critical of other people and not judging. This lesson really never gets old to me, I mean I have heard this lesson taught several times but sadly most people only put it into practice some of the time...including me:( These next points are about judging, criticising, and how to 'judge' in a good way.

Verse 11

  • Don't talk down to people.
  • Don't be critical.
  • Don't judge people

Make sure people behave in church (and if you feel the need to do something about it, be nice and not like a "know- it -all").

Don't judge others by

  • Their testimony
  • Things they and don't do
  • By their appearance
  • Who they hang out with

We need to judge with a good spirit.

We should be kind in all we do and say.

I hope these points helped you in some way. The challenge is to not criticise people and and judge them! If you have any more points that you think I should add feel free to say so!!!! I hope you have a great day!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Breanna! I struggle with that a lot, and since I missed that lesson in Sunday School, this was really helpful!
