Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This is an outline from a message I heard preached on prayer.

1)Why should we pray?
a)God commands it.
b)Prayer glorifies God.

2)How does prayer glorify God?
a)We acknowledge that we don't have the power to grant the request that we have presented before God.
b)When God answers our request, we in turn give Him the glory and honor.

3)What happens when we commit to the Lord?
a)We desire what He wants for us.
b)He gives us what we need to do His will.

4)How does prayer affect us and our relationship with God?
a)Prayer is a part of God's plan for what He wants for us.
b) Prayer helps us to accomplish God's will, make us like Him, and glorify Him.

I hope these thoughts are helpful as you spend time in prayer this week!

1 comment:

  1. I love it Caroline! I definatly need to wokr on my praying..sometimes I get so down I just never want to pray, or I just feel like it takes to much time..I needed this post so thanks for posting it :)
