This month is my book month. Each post I do will have something to do with my thoughts on and experience with a particular book. One book I have really enjoyed is Lies Young Women Believe (and the Truth That Sets Them Free) by Nancy Leigh Demoss and Dannah Gresh.
My first important thought about this book is that you have to read it with humility. In other words, don’t read it and think that you don’t struggle with any of the things that it talks about. If you do, you may end up like this:
"I think many of the lies I have been believing about God are subconscious; they are slowly coming to light. I used to think that believing them at least somewhat subconsciously was better. I thought that, that way, I wouldn’t be outright believing that God was someone different then He really is. In some ways, maybe that’s true.
But on the other hand, if the lies are believed consciously, they can be recognized and corrected. I will not be lying to myself by thinking that I don’t believe lies.
Some lies that have started to come to light are 'God is not enough and 'God is not really involved in my life.'"
That is an exact, word -for -word, excerpt from a journal entry I wrote. Lies Young Women Believe encourages you to have a journal. There are some discussion questions at the end of each chapter; that was my answer to the question, “What lies have I been most likely to believe about God?”.
Ok, so the main point there is, read this book with humility!
Anyway, here is a basic overview of the book. The book has an introduction that introduces the Deceiver (Satan) and then lists 25 commonly believed lies and in-depth information on each one. My honest attitude when I first read the book was that I didn’t need to hear half of the lies. I thought, “These lies are for unbelievers who have a really hard time with sin.” But, as you think about it more, you realize that we all struggle with most of the lies on some level.
After the 25 lies are listed, there is a great section at the end that helps you identify lies in your life. It helps you see for yourself the things that you struggle with (even if they aren’t in the book) and figure out how to correct them.
I really recommend getting the Companion Guide for this book. If definitely takes a lot of time to work through (I’m still not finished) but it is a great help.
Hope you enjoy!