I read this quote from a book by Beth Moore called Praying God's Word: "The giant step in the walk of faith is the one we take when we decide God no longer is a part of our lives. He is our life." I love this quote because it shows what a true believers' life should be like. We shouldn't just read God's Word and pray to Him when we're having a good day or when we get exactly what we ask for. We shouldn't be one person at church and a different one online or with a different group of friends (This is really easy to do and something I struggle with a lot). We should be trying to follow Christ and obey Him 100%, 100% of the time. Christ wants us to have a close relationship with Him, but we can't have that if we aren't striving to follow Him all of the time. It's so easy to try to get around living a radical Christian life and just acting like we're a Christian when we're at church. But God wants us to be good witnesses for Him all the time. We should want to show others what being a Christian is all about. If they know that we profess to be a Christian, yet we act just like them, they will have no reason to want to change and become a Christian. They will see no difference in our life and theirs, and therefore no reason to change what they believe. As I said before, this is something that I really struggle with and know that I should do better on.
The first commandment says that we should only have one God: the One True God. But that doesn't just mean that we shouldn't bow down to a wooden carved statue of a "little g" god. Anything, including ourselves that we put above God is an idol. God deserves every second of our time. More time than we spend chatting with friends, updating our statuses, and putting on make-up. We should meditate on Him day and night. Like I've said at least twice already, I really struggle with this so there isn't a whole lot I can say. I'd kind of like to hear any thoughts y'all have on this subject, so maybe we can help each other. I hope that this post is encouraging and insightful!
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