- "We should be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
- Perfect=Mature
- We need to be mature. Act your age.
- Age and knowledge are not good indicators of who is mature and who is not.
- Self-control (1:2)
- Positive (Joy)(1:14)
- Accepting others (2:8)
- Consistent (2:17)
- Watch what you say (3:2)
- Wise (3:17)
- Humility (4:10)
- Connected (5:16)
- Hear (1:19)
- Doer (1:22)
- Bridle you tongue (1:26)
- Caring for others (1:27)
- Stay clean (1:17)
I love the book of James! Lots of wisdom to gain!In God's Spirit we can live in a way pleasing to Him...keep on studying and meditating on His Word!
ReplyDeleteI love it 2!!!! I agree 100%