Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is there more?

Well, if you read my last post you remember is was about focusing on Christ during Christmas. But is that the only time we need to focus on Him? No! He should be our main focus all the time but rarely is. Trying to focus on Him is often the last thing we want to especially with all the things the world has to offer. The world often looks more appealing but that's not true. The world often tempts you to do stuff that you know is wrong and yet you do it anyways. I would know because I do it too. I am human and so are you so naturally we don't want to follow Christ. I know Carline just did a challenge but, I'm going to give you another one:D. I want you to start focusing on Him all year round. Now there are going to be some challenges and you're going to be tempted. But I don't want you to not do the right thing because you're scared. We need to stand up and follow Christ it's gonna test your strength but I have a feeling most of you are strong enough if you ask God for you help. I hope you will take this challenge. I am going to try. I hope you have a great day!!!

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