Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

What is the true meaning of Christmas? Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Christ. What do we normally act like the true meaning of Christmas is about? Why do we have a countdown to Christmas? Most of the times it's to open presents, give gifts, spend time with family, etc. We most of the time focus on us and not God like we're supposed to. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a countdown to Christmas or that you shouldn't give or receive gifts at all! The problem is that so many people want to push Christ out Christmas. People do it by simply saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". This Christmas make sure you keep Christ your main focus. This may be hard but, if you stay true to Christ it will pay off. Now how could you keep Christ is Christmas? I encourage you to think big. I have a small idea though. Every Christmas me and my family get up and before we open presents or anything we open the Bible and we read the Christmas story. You could start by doing that. I hope you remember the keep Christ in Christmas this season!!! Have a great day:D


  1. Thanks for the reminder about the true meaning of Christmas. Every year I say that I'm going to try to do better, but somehow I always get caught up in other things. Thanks for the motivation!
