Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Heart That is On Fire

As I was singing May the Lord Find Us Faithful this evening at church, something convicted me. The third line of the third verse talks about us having a heart that is on fire. I really strive to have a heart that is on fire for God, but sometimes I just feel like my fire is going out or dying away. I think this is probably something we all struggle with. I just get wrapped up in school and just life in general and forget that I'm supposed to be serving God. Then I realize that, as a Christian, God is my life. All those other things that are taking up my time aren't really important. I should be finding a way to serve God in everything that I do. And not only that, but serving Him with my whole heart. That doesn't mean that I can't enjoy those other things, because God did put things here on earth for us to enjoy, they should just come after God. And, I should be serving God while I'm doing them. I hope these thoughts help you!