Tonight was like a flashback from my childhood (even though I'm really not that old). A few girls from the youth group went to sing with the Children's Choir because they only have a few kids to sing this year. So, I went to sing in that, and then after church, a bunch of us teens went outside to play freeze tag. It made me think back to when I was little and didn't have a care in the world. The days of childlike innocence. That made me think of what Christ said in Mark 10:15. "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
I have heard that verse many times, but it made me really happy when I read it again. I had been thinking about how sad it was to be growing up and to not be able to return to those times. This verse reminded me, though, that even as I grow up, I should still have a heart like a child's. I never have to get rid of the mindset that I am helpless before God. I cannot do anything to achieve my own salvation. Nothing I can do will even begin to repay the debt I owe to Christ for giving His life to set me free. I can only thank Him for what He did and live my life so that it is pleasing to Him. I hope this encourages you!!
Excellent and thought provoking. thank you!