Sunday, April 24, 2011

True Freedom

1.the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint
2. exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3. the power to determine action without restraint. (*)

Because Christ has forgiven us, we are free, right? But what are we free from? Many people would interpret these definitions in light of what Christ has done for us to say that we are freed from Christ, by Christ. While it is true that through Christ's death we are saved from the wrath of God, that does not mean that we can do whatever we want. People would say that because we are free, we do not have to worry about sin. We are not condemned, so we can do whatever we want. That is not what Christ meant at all. He meant that in being freed, we can make our decisions without having to worry about being defeated by sin. We are free to "determine action without the restraint" of sin.
I have never really had the mindset that I can do whatever I want, but I have struggled with knowing that I can overcome sin. When Christ's blood was shed, He defeated every single sin we would ever have to face. Remember, Christ lived life here on earth and was fully God and fully man. He knows exactly what it feels like to go through your pain, sadness, etc. The only difference is, He went through every bit of it without ever sinning.
So, the next time you are struggling with sin, remember these things: 1)Sin is a big deal; do not just think of it casually. 2)Christ has freed us from having to sin, and He knows what it feels like to be tempted. 3)Look to Him, the author and perfecter or our faith, to help you deal with Your sin.

For discussion:
Lies Young Women Believe says, "Remember: True freedom is found in a vital, growing relationship with Jesus Christ."(**)

In what ways do you think that having a relationship with Christ is freeing?

**Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free, by Nancy Lee Demoss and Dannah Gresh. Page 198

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