Friday, October 1, 2010

Trust and Obey

The other night in church as I was singing Trust and Obey by John H. Sammis, the third stanza really impacted me. It says, "But we never can prove the delights of His love until all on the alter we lay; for the favor He shows, for the love He bestows, are for them who will trust and obey."
That just really hit me and reminded me that I must always trust in God for everything. I did a post a little while back on worry. Like I said, I worry a lot! This song was just another one of God's reminders that He wants me to trust in Him fully. I know this post is a little short, but I hope that it is an encouragement to you!!!


  1. This is a great post!!! I think it is really hard to "lay your all on the altar"... but this is a great reminder that God gave His all for us by dying on the cross! Thanks for posting:)

  2. Thanks and you're welcome!!!
