Saturday, November 13, 2010

Good Morning!

Hi everyone! I know most of our posts aren't normally like this but, I've always been the one to mix things up a bit:). My goal basically for this post is just encourage you. What is your morning routine? Does it include reading your Bible? If you answered no, then you're in the same boat as me... I struggle with reading my Bible everyday. I always come up with an excuse like: I'm have too much school to do, or I'll do it later (but later never comes). Not reading your Bible everyday is dangerous... not spending time in God's Word can draw you closer to sin, even if you think it's not happening... it is. My challenge for you is read your Bible everyday, no matter what kind of time you have... it's very important! Since I have been in that boat, I know that it is easier to do something if you're accountable to someone. So get a friend, a neighbor, a family member, and if you have none of those willing to do it, I would be more than happy to! Hope you have a great Morning!:)


  1. Great post!! I try to read by Bible most mornings, but some days (like Fridays, when I have to be at school at 7am), it just doesn't happen. I usually read it at night too, just because I am A LOT better at staying up late than I am getting up early. But, even when I read it at night, and not in the morning, I find that I am missing something. My day tends to go MUCH better when I read by Bible and pray in the morning. There is some verse (I think it's in Psalms somewhere, but I can't find it right now) about praising God in the morning, and I think the author hit the nail right on the head when he said that. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!!

  2. I think you just hit the nail on the head! You're welcome:)
