Saturday, January 29, 2011
Psalm 119:11
This post is slightly (or very:)) delayed, because I should have done a post on Psalm 119:11 as an introduction post to our blog. I didn't think about that back then though, but, looking back, I am glad. I just heard a really good message preached on Psalm 119:11 and now, I can do a post on it in a whole new light. I wouldn't have been able to do this back then, so I guess it all worked out.
Psalm 119:11 is about knowing why we do what we do. We need to do the right things, but we cannot do that unless we have studied God's Word to know what those things are. We must know the right things that we should do, and the wrong things that we shouldn't do. You can't just do something because your pastor said to. You need to look in God's Word to find biblical truth that supports everything you do. We will have to answer to God for everything that we ever did.
Also, when we read the Bible and hide it in our hearts, it will constantly be in our thoughts. When we read it enough, we will think of what God says there, and put it into practice in our lives. Unfortunately, we will never be perfect this side of Heaven, but reading God's Word will help us to sin less and fulfill God's purpose for our lives.
How much we read God's Word shouldn't be determined by what someone else says. We should be reading it a lot, but when and how much you should read God's Word is between you and Him. There is no certain plan you have to follow, just do what God is leading you to do.
This post is kinda jumbled up, but I hope it gave you encouragement to read God's Word and learn from it!
Psalm 119:11 is about knowing why we do what we do. We need to do the right things, but we cannot do that unless we have studied God's Word to know what those things are. We must know the right things that we should do, and the wrong things that we shouldn't do. You can't just do something because your pastor said to. You need to look in God's Word to find biblical truth that supports everything you do. We will have to answer to God for everything that we ever did.
Also, when we read the Bible and hide it in our hearts, it will constantly be in our thoughts. When we read it enough, we will think of what God says there, and put it into practice in our lives. Unfortunately, we will never be perfect this side of Heaven, but reading God's Word will help us to sin less and fulfill God's purpose for our lives.
How much we read God's Word shouldn't be determined by what someone else says. We should be reading it a lot, but when and how much you should read God's Word is between you and Him. There is no certain plan you have to follow, just do what God is leading you to do.
This post is kinda jumbled up, but I hope it gave you encouragement to read God's Word and learn from it!
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Gift of Love
This post is from a sermon I heard last night. The speaker was Evangelist Will Galkin. He preached on the gift of love and how love cares about others not yourself. The passage he used was 1 Corinthians 13. I encourage you to go through and read that entire book but especially that chapter. I'm going to put my notes from last night below. I hope these help you:)
"None of us can be selfless without God."
1 Corinthians 13
"None of us can be selfless without God."
1 Corinthians 13
- Gifts are made for giving and sharing with love. (gifts can also be talents)
- vs. 2 ~ "if I have all faith, so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
- Christ was and is completely selfless.
- We need to stop caring about 'me' and start caring about others.
- Love and patient and kind.
- Love is not jealous. Love stops talking and starts listening.
- Love is not caring about 'me' but instead caring about others.
- We need to love and care for others more than we do ourselves.
- Love is not self-seeking.
- Our only idol should be God; not tv, not friends, not sports, etc.
- Your anger reveals your idols.
- We let anger get in the way of our love.
- Don't "keep score" of peoples' faults.
- Love brings hope and mercy.
- Love endures all things.
Some of you may be thinking about that one person that you couldn't possibly love. I did the same thing. While I was listening to this I kept thinking about this one person that I have ignored, disliked, and talked about and thought about it. Could I love? I made a decision last night that no matter what that person (or any person) I would still love them. But only through Christ is that possible. So, I guess this could also be a challenge. I challenge you (and me) to love others more than you love yourself. But remember you can't do it without God! I would like to ask y'all to pray for me because this is going to be hard and I know it will be for you too. I hope this post encourages you to love through Christ alone. Have a great day!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to start this post... well, I guess I just did:). So, motivation. Are you motivated? If you are, ar you motivated for the right reasons? Now if you think about you can probably think of a whole lot more bad reasons to be motivated than good and I would expect you to. We live in a sinful world and sin comes naturally to us so we need to work at being motivated for the right reasons. So what are some bad reasons to be motivated? Well, you could be motivated to have a girlfriend or boyfriend just because your friends have one, you could be motivated to do drugs just because your 'friends' tell you they're cool. Now that's only two but I'm sure you can think of plenty of others. Now what should be our one and only motivation? Jesus Christ. He deserves honor and glory and praise. If Christ is our sole motivator then we should no problem doing what's right... right? Well, there's just one problem... Because we are sinners, we are also natural God-haters. So, if we hate God how can we want Him to be our sole motivator? We have to accept the gift of Salvation through Christ because He is the only one who can save us from sin. If you have done that, ask Christ right now to be your sole motivator. He alone can save you from sin. He alone can is where you can find true happiness. Christ shouldd be your ONLY motivator. I hope this post encourages you.. and if it didn't make sense let me know so I can fix it:) I'm still half asleep:).
Monday, January 17, 2011
Decently and in Order
Decently and in order... fun subject isn't it? You may be thinking (especially if you're a boy... no offense guys;)) that there is no reason to clean or be organized because if it gets bad enough then someone will come and do it for me. And by this point you're probably going, "ok Breanna, what is the point?" Well, the point is... YOU NEED TO BE ORGANIZED!!!!!!!! Not that I'm being bossy or anything but this is something that really bugs me... and I know it shouldn't but it does. Not only does it bother me, it probably bugs God too. Why do I say that? Because the Bible tells us to do things "decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40). So, if God says things should be done decently and in order then things should be done decently and in order. Now this is easy for me because I'm a little OCD... when it comes to organization... I'm not like some germ freak or anything;). But if you do have problems with doing things decently and in order (like my sister;)) then ask God to help you. He will. I promise:). Well, I guess I better go and do my homework... but I hope y'all have a great day! :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Doubt: A Companion to Worry
I have done a post on worry before, but I thought I'd do a post on one of Worry's best friends: Doubt. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." This verse is telling us not to worry, but to let God take care of everything. But if we are worrying, are we not doubting that God will take care of us? This is something that I have struggled with, because as I have said many times, I worry a lot. In every situation that I have worried, though, God has shown me that there was no reason to. Everything has been fine in the end. But, I tend to still worry. I thought about it, and realized that if I am worrying with no cause (and there is never a just cause, because God has promised us that he cares for us and will take care of us [1 Peter 5:7 -"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you"]), I am doubting that God will take care of me. I know I am doing this, because God has never given me a reason to worry, but yet I have anyway at times. James 1:6b says, "for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind." I do not want to be like a wave. I want to be steadfast and sure. All of these verses continually convict me that I shouldn't worry. It has taken a lot of prayer and meditation, but I am slowly learning to trust God for everything. I hope that this post isn't to jumbled up and that it helps you!
New Year's Resolution Check Up
Hey guys! How have y'all been doing? Good I hope:). How have you been doing at your daily Bible reading? I have surprisingly done it everyday! And to keep track of it I have a.... what you could call a unique way of keeping track of it:). 
Now you may be saying, "Breanna, you're putting stickers on a calendar... aren't you a little old for that???" Well, I may be too old for that but I don't care... :) Do you have a method of keeping track of your Bible reading? If you do I would love to hear about it! Hope y'all have a great day!

Now you may be saying, "Breanna, you're putting stickers on a calendar... aren't you a little old for that???" Well, I may be too old for that but I don't care... :) Do you have a method of keeping track of your Bible reading? If you do I would love to hear about it! Hope y'all have a great day!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I don't know about you, but I LOVE "stuff." I love new clothes, office supplies, and pretty much anything new. Unfortunately, I am probably to attached to my stuff. I can't imagine if I had to live without a lot of the things I have. But Matthew 6:19 and 20 tells us, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." This Scripture really convicts me that I need to be more concerned about my heavenly treasure and less concerned about my earthly treasure. One day, I will no longer be on the earth and the things I have here will no longer matter. So, with these things in mind, I need to have an attitude of thankfulness for the things that I do have, but I shouldn't be so attached to them that they consume my life. I recently got a new cell phone and it has been a really great thing to have, but I think I enjoy it a little to much. I text pretty much all the time and don't leave time for the things that are really important. These verses have convicted me that I need to spend less time texting and more time reading God's Word and praying. I hope this post encourages you to store up many treasures in Heaven.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Friends are in and out of your life just like moments passing on a clock. I have a very good friend who I like to hang out with whenever I can get the chance. She lives in Illinois, and since I never get to see her, making contact is important to me. Just like I cannot see my friend every day, we cannot see God. But we can see Him through the reading of his word. I mean, we can't see him face to face (like I can this friend on Skype), but we communicate with him through the reading of his word and praying. As we read his word, the Holy Spirit guides and directs us to the way we should go, just like a good friend. Good friends are hard to come by. 'Good friends' are the friends that will stick by us when the going gets tough. Friends that we can rely on and will understand us. I once read this next quote somewhere, and it says, “Be careful of who your friends are. For you become what they are." We need to have a close, intimate relationship with God so that we can become more like Him. By reading His word and praying, we become more like him. So my challenge to you is, choose your friends carefully, and become more like God.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year, New Habits
Well, here we are in 2011. Can you believe how fast time has gone?!?! As you can see the title of this post is, "New Year, New Habits". Do you have any new habits? I have a couple; 1. I've been reading my Bible everyday. 2. I got up on time! 3. Kept my room clean. Now you may be thinking, ok Breanna it's been 3 days! Seriously? I know it's only been 3 days but they've been a good 3 days! Now with there being 362 more of them I intend to keep doing what I've been doing. Now I have already done a few posts about reading your Bible everyday and making GOOD new habits so I'm not gonna keep running those things into the ground but I do want to check up on you guys. I'm not trying to be nosy but I want to know that I'm not alone;) I need some moral support;) jk. Now I know Caroline is typically the only one who comments but on this post I want everyone who reads it to comment on it. I don't care if I know who you are or not. You don't even have to say anything! I just want this year to be really focused on God and on His Word, and if we do that then everything else will fall into place:D. Well, I guess I better go so you guys don't get tired of reading a really long post:) but I hope all of y'all have a good night!
Another New Year's Challenge
Happy 2011 everyone!!!! I know that I have encouraged everyone to make New Year's resolutions, but I have gotten a great idea from another blog. I was reading the Lies Young Women Believe Blog the other day, and they had a great idea. They challenged everyone to start the New Year off by reading their Bible. For many people, that is a given. But, I thought that it was a great idea, because it will keep my resolutions (hopefully) focused on Christ. So, it is my challenge to y'all (and of course, me) to take the month of January, and think more about reading your Bible than your resolutions. I'm not saying not to do them, but to think about reading your Bible first. That way, when you think about your resolutions, you will think about them more through Christ's point of view. I thought it was really cool that I read this on another blog, because my resolutions almost always end up not happening. This way, I will know if they are really important. I am still doing my other New Year's resolutions, but reading my Bible is my first priority. I hope that this will encourage you to be focused on God's Word this month, and for the rest of the year!
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