Monday, January 17, 2011

Decently and in Order

Decently and in order... fun subject isn't it? You may be thinking (especially if you're a boy... no offense guys;)) that there is no reason to clean or be organized because if it gets bad enough then someone will come and do it for me. And by this point you're probably going, "ok Breanna, what is the point?" Well, the point is... YOU NEED TO BE ORGANIZED!!!!!!!! Not that I'm being bossy or anything but this is something that really bugs me... and I know it shouldn't but it does. Not only does it bother me, it probably bugs God too. Why do I say that? Because the Bible tells us to do things "decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40). So, if God says things should be done decently and in order then things should be done decently and in order. Now this is easy for me because I'm a little OCD... when it comes to organization... I'm not like some germ freak or anything;). But if you do have problems with doing things decently and in order (like my sister;)) then ask God to help you. He will. I promise:). Well, I guess I better go and do my homework... but I hope y'all have a great day! :)


  1. I had forgotten that there was a Bible verse about that! Now you know I don't have any trouble keeping things organized, but I may have a problem doing them "decently and in order." If I have to do something that I don't want to do, I usually do just enough to get by or get a good grade. This isn't exactly the most "decent" thing ever. So, this post was encouraging to me!!! Thanks for posting!

  2. Thanks Mom:) Love you too.
