Friday, January 28, 2011

The Gift of Love

This post is from a sermon I heard last night. The speaker was Evangelist Will Galkin. He preached on the gift of love and how love cares about others not yourself. The passage he used was 1 Corinthians 13. I encourage you to go through and read that entire book but especially that chapter. I'm going to put my notes from last night below. I hope these help you:)

"None of us can be selfless without God."
1 Corinthians 13
  • Gifts are made for giving and sharing with love. (gifts can also be talents)
  • vs. 2 ~ "if I have all faith, so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
  • Christ was and is completely selfless.
  • We need to stop caring about 'me' and start caring about others.
  • Love and patient and kind.
  • Love is not jealous. Love stops talking and starts listening.
  • Love is not caring about 'me' but instead caring about others.
  • We need to love and care for others more than we do ourselves.
  • Love is not self-seeking.
  • Our only idol should be God; not tv, not friends, not sports, etc.
  • Your anger reveals your idols.
  • We let anger get in the way of our love.
  • Don't "keep score" of peoples' faults.
  • Love brings hope and mercy.
  • Love endures all things.

Some of you may be thinking about that one person that you couldn't possibly love. I did the same thing. While I was listening to this I kept thinking about this one person that I have ignored, disliked, and talked about and thought about it. Could I love? I made a decision last night that no matter what that person (or any person) I would still love them. But only through Christ is that possible. So, I guess this could also be a challenge. I challenge you (and me) to love others more than you love yourself. But remember you can't do it without God! I would like to ask y'all to pray for me because this is going to be hard and I know it will be for you too. I hope this post encourages you to love through Christ alone. Have a great day!


  1. Was Will Galkin speaking at UBC?

  2. Thanks for your post. I will pray for you! Let's pray together some time about it if you want to! Let me know!

  3. Courtney, yes Will Galkin and his team were here from Sunday through today.

    Carrie, you're welcome. Thank you for praying for me.

  4. How is the "hard to love" loving going? I have thought on 1 Cor. 13 MANY times since this message! what a blessing!

  5. Trying to love someone that I get frustrated with often is hard. I am continuing to learn that I can do nothing in my own strength but with God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26). :)
