Thursday, January 20, 2011


I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to start this post... well, I guess I just did:). So, motivation. Are you motivated? If you are, ar you motivated for the right reasons? Now if you think about you can probably think of a whole lot more bad reasons to be motivated than good and I would expect you to. We live in a sinful world and sin comes naturally to us so we need to work at being motivated for the right reasons. So what are some bad reasons to be motivated? Well, you could be motivated to have a girlfriend or boyfriend just because your friends have one, you could be motivated to do drugs just because your 'friends' tell you they're cool. Now that's only two but I'm sure you can think of plenty of others. Now what should be our one and only motivation? Jesus Christ. He deserves honor and glory and praise. If Christ is our sole motivator then we should no problem doing what's right... right? Well, there's just one problem... Because we are sinners, we are also natural God-haters. So, if we hate God how can we want Him to be our sole motivator? We have to accept the gift of Salvation through Christ because He is the only one who can save us from sin. If you have done that, ask Christ right now to be your sole motivator. He alone can save you from sin. He alone can is where you can find true happiness. Christ shouldd be your ONLY motivator. I hope this post encourages you.. and if it didn't make sense let me know so I can fix it:) I'm still half asleep:).

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